Season 10 Episode 1 // He Who Calls You
Okay wow, I bawled through the preparing of this one, y’all! Get ready to hear about a moment of great celebration in our family’s life together. But my prayer is that in the telling of it, you are deeply encouraged today that you have a God who knows you and loves you and CALLS you.
Season 10 Episode 1 // “An Open Heart”
Today we’re going to come around what I believe is the most essential, spiritual posture that we can have in this life. Whether you are new to your walk with God or you’ve walked with Him most of your life, having an open heart to Him is imperative for living from wholeness and freedom.
Season 9 Episode 10 // The Purest Place
Season 9 has been such a joy! Thank you so much for coming alongside me in celebrating my new album “Captivate Us: Live from Keeper’s Branch.” I have so loved sharing the stories and seasons behind these songs and it’s been good for my heart to remember God’s faithfulness, all through the years!
Season 9 Episode 9 // A Mighty Fortress
It has been such a joy to spend this spring with you on the podcast, as we’ve come around my new album, “Captivate Us; Live from Keeper’s Branch!” I’ve loved remembering the stories and truths behind these songs! And today, we’ll come around one that Nathan and I wrote as a genuine prayer for our family during an election year!
Season 9 Episode 8 // Captivate Us
In celebration of the full ALBUM RELEASE “Captivate Us” (available tomorrow, everywhere you listen to music!) we are going to come around this tried and true song that still carries so much heart and history in my story! This song is very descriptive of who Jesus is, even describing His face, His eyes, His hands, His loving arms—and though we don’t see Him now in the physical sense—I wonder if it helps prepare us for the day that we will see Him face to face!
Season 9 Episode 7 // For Your Splendor
It has been SO beautiful to get to share these songs (and stories behind the songs!) but most importantly, the truth imbedded in them! Today we are going to look at “For Your Splendor,” a new version of a tried and true song that is deeply personal to me. I’d even venture to say that it’s quintessential when it comes to my sound and heart as a worshiper!
Season 9 Episode 6 // Be Loved
I have LOVED this spring series so much! God has been reminding me of truth that He set in my heart, so long ago, knowing that I would need that truth to wash over me again, TODAY! We are going to remember together, that God always knows where to find us. Though there’s much temptation to just skip being made in the secret place (especially when we see the world around us charging forward!) God is preparing us, protecting us and will promote us when we wait in trust for Him.
Season 9 Episode 5 // Knees to the Earth
Today we are celebrating the release of another EP called “Knees to the Earth,” which is the next three songs from the “Live from Keeper’s Branch” album that we are unfolding this spring! Not only are these songs so sacred to us, many of them have very sacred stories behind them and today’s song emphasis, “Knees to the Earth,” is definitely one of those kind of stories! You don’t want to miss it!
Season 9 Episode 4 // Lord I Need You
Okay so…somehow this episode got really personal! Did I actually just reveal what I want my “Grandma” name to be, someday?