Ep 12: Rebekah Lyons

Welcome to The Glorious in the Mundane podcast! Thank you for tuning in! Today you’re going to hear from my sweet friend Rebekah Lyons! Rebekah and I have only really been friends for over a year or so but we were fast friends and have so enjoyed living in the same small town and even going to the same church! You’re going to hear us talk about a new adventure that we have embarked on together as well as the book, You are Free (releasing in February) that Rebekah has been working on for months and months while we, her friends, have gotten to be her cheering section! Also, Rebekah is launching a FREE study today that I want to make sure that you know about it. It’s called “Be Still & Know”. You can find out all about this on her website RebekahLyons.com

I hope you all have a glorious day! Enjoy!


Ep 13: She Reads Truth


Ep 11: Mini Me