Ep 15: Amaryllis

Welcome to the Glorious in the Mundane Podcast, I’m your host Christy Nockels. Today is SO special for me because I’m getting to share the first sneak peek or sneak LISTEN I should say into “The Thrill of Hope”, my first Christmas album! Today in this “mini me” episode, you’re going to hear the story behind the beautiful Amaryllis gracing the cover art and you’ll hear the SONG Amaryllis! I’ll unfold how this all started with a letter and a gift from my sister-in-love, Kristin Hill, and how it turned into a song! It’s a gorgeous and very meaningful picture, yet again, of God’s intentionality and creativity in a simple, house plant! His beauty and glory and His story, are truly all around us! Enjoy!


Ep 16: Meaningful Gift Ideas


Ep 14: Mini Me