Ep 5: Jamie Ivey

Welcome to the Glorious in the Mundane podcast – I hope you are having an amazing week! I’m so happy to have gotten to sit down with the lovely Jamie Ivey a few weeks ago on my Texas podcast run… Jamie is beloved in the IF Gathering community of women and is one of those people who I share numerous mutual friends with but we have never really gotten to sit and chat. I met Jamie at the first IF Gathering in Austin, TX when I led worship with her husband, Aaron, literally only a few hours after meeting him! They are an incredibly influential team of a couple in Austin but now God is literally using Jamie all over the place through her own podcast called The Happy Hour.

In my earliest moments of breathing out the idea of wanting to do a podcast, several of my friends said, “you have to listen to Jamie!” I did, and was so inspired by her style and her ease and the way she has championed so many incredible women who are doing so many incredible things! Jamie has been a cheerleader to me through this process, even a couple of texts like “oh my gosh, I’m so proud of you!” and it has meant the world to me! I think the posture in starting anything is to look at who is already doing it well and LEARN from them! So, my interview with Jamie today you’ll find is 100% true respect and intrigue for what made her want to start a podcast and really just me being truly blown away by how well she’s going about it! I hope you enjoy my time around the table today with Jamie Ivey.

Find out about all things Jamie Ivey on her website www.jamieivey.com.
You can find a link to the song Holding You Together that I spoke about here.


Ep 6: Jennie Allen


Ep 4: Lauren Chandler