Season 4 Episode 17 // Those Who Look to Him - Psalm 119

New podcast today! Need an invitation to pause and still your heart in this season? Then this episode is for YOU! We will use our passage in Psalm 119 to pray and specifically ask God to restore our hearts to His and to cast our every care upon Him. You might want to plan on taking a walk during this episode or just getting alone somewhere so that you can listen and respond!

If you haven't noticed we're getting the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday started around here. You can check out our store for some great early Christmas shopping sales this week. Lastly, if you want to listen to some of my favorite Christmas songs as well as my favorites from The Thrill of Hope give this Spotify playlist a follow!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! I’ll talk to you soon!


Season 4 - Episode 18 // Those Who Look to Him


Season 4 Episode 16 // Those Who Look to Him - Psalm 119