Season 5 Episode 1 // The Life You Long For

I’m so excited to announce SEASON FIVE of The Glorious in the Mundane podcast! For the next several weeks, I’ll be inviting some close friends and family to journey with me through some of the key truths in my new book The Life You Long For: Learning to Live From a Heart of Rest. (Available for pre-order now!) We will be talking about what it looks like to live from rest—especially in these peculiar days.

However, today it’s just me and we’re going to remember together that the whole of who we are is not wrapped up in what we do. We are so much more wonderfully complex than that! In fact, I’m going to attempt to re-introduce myself to you without including anything that I “do” in this life. We will also pause together to asses where we are right now—as in, how do we come to this podcast table today? Aside from what we’ve got to get done today or even our difficult circumstances, where ARE we?

You’ll hear where I am—through tears I might add—and how I come to the table today. And in it, I hope you are encouraged and feel permission to tell Jesus where YOU are. I’ll talk to you soon!

If you haven't gotten the first three chapters of the book for pre-ordering yet, podcast listeners can go here and get them!



Season 5 Episode 2 // His Banner Over Me is Love


Season 4 Episode 19 // Those Who Look to Him - Psalm 119