Season 5 Episode 3 // The Farm Table Epiphany

It is SO incredibly full-circle and sweet to have my dear friend Lauren Chandler on the podcast today! If you have my book, The Life You Long For, this IS the Lauren who shares the “bullseye” vision with me from chapter two! I know that she’s no stranger to most of you and she remains one of my dearest friends to this day! I’m so grateful for her heart and her friendship, and the way that she hears from the Lord. Today, she and I will talk about what it looks like to resist striving and to live from the “bullseye of our Belovedness.” 

Lauren is an author, worship leader and singer/songwriter and has a love for the Word of God. Her brand new bible study, With Us in the Wilderness, is absolutely rich and beautiful and is available now! I’ll talk to you soon!



Season 5 Episode 4 // The Glorious in the Mundane


The Life You Long For // Reader Exclusive Podcast