Season 6 Episode 3 // Psalm 23

SURPRISE! I’m so excited to release this series of podcasts that have been so near and dear to my heart! These were originally created for my podcast patrons only and haven’t been released to the public until now! I called the series, “Summer in the Psalms” but since we’re nearing the golden hour of the summer of ‘22, I think we can receive them as “Psalms for Summer’s End.” (Makes me exhale just saying it!)

Keep in mind that these podcasts are from a few summers ago! That means you’ll hear me talking about Noah’s 18th birthday, Annie’s 11th, and that Ellie was just 15! Can we all just stop and have a big ole cry over that? This summer they are 22, 15 and 19 going on 20. Time flies y’all.

All the more reason to sit in the Psalms together as summer ends. In today’s episode we’ll talk a little bit about sheep (hello, us!) and how we have a perfect Shepherd who knows our every need. He is skillful in caring for his own and when we become receptive to that care, we find that all our wants and needs are satisfied in him alone. We’re accepted, we’re covered, we’re called by name….we’re home.


Season 6 Episode 4 // Psalm 90


Season 6 Episode 2 // Abide Mini Series