Season 6 Episode 4 // Psalm 90

Welcome back to the Psalms for Summer’s End podcast series! These near and dear podcast episodes were previously released to my patron audience only and now we’re making them available to YOU! These were recorded a few years back but God’s Word is living and active, so I hope that they meet you right where you are with the peace that only God can give!

Today we’ll dive into a not-so-obvious Psalm that’s one of those that you love at the beginning but you have no idea what to do with the middle and then “yay!” the ending is back to the fun stuff! Following the circle of lament, we’ll learn to wrestle with that weighty stuff in the middle–that our lives are basically a vapor–here today, gone tomorrow. But, there’s HOPE in holding the tension that we can actually build something that long outlasts us, as we make the most of our own “once upon a time until kingdom come”.



Season 6 Episode 5 // Psalm 8


Season 6 Episode 3 // Psalm 23