Season 9 Episode 3 // The Heart of Worship
I am so excited to continue this spring series, coming around my new EP, “You Revive Me”, available everywhere you listen to music! Y’all know me by now, that these songs are simply a diving board for us to plunge into the deep together! Into the glorious things of God…right in the middle of our mundane!
Season 9 Episode 2 // Breathe Your Name
It has been so beautiful to get to release some new, yet familiar—even tried and true songs—in this season! One of those is the song, “Breathe” paired with another beloved song, “Let it Be Jesus.”
Season 9 Episode 1 // Up ‘Till Now
Today we will kick off a spring series in celebration of NEW (but familiar!) music—my EP “You Revive Me”, releases THIS WEEK wherever you listen to music!
Season 8 Episode 7 // Be Thou My Vision
If you or someone you know has experienced loss this season, you’ll want to listen and pass this one along.
Summer In The Psalms // Psalm 118 - Your Love Endures Forever
Okay, so this one made me weepy! Today we’ll be in Psalm 118 which is a part of the Hallel—a collection of six Psalms (113-118) that have been sung and recited on joyous occasions and festivals all throughout Israel’s history.
Summer In The Psalms // Psalm 19 - A Promise Poured Out
Today we’re in beautiful Psalm 19 where we’ll remember together that God set revelation in the heavens that is pouring out promise over us day and night, night and day!
Summer In The Psalms // Psalm 66 - Come and Listen
Today I’m going to tell you about some home renovations that Nate and I have embarked on this summer, just to let you in on a little bit of our world and the DIY adventures that we find ourselves swimming in!
Summer In The Psalms // Psalm 46 - Everywhere the River Goes
In celebration of my husband Nathan’s brand new album “Everywhere the River Goes” (available anywhere you listen to music!) we’re going to talk about this River and the beauty of staying within the River’s reach all the days of our lives! In fact, we’ll use the song titles to give us a grid for what this River’s work looks like in us and through us.
Summer In The Psalms // Psalm 88 - A Holy Tension
Last week we talked about a holy resolve, when we have a shift in perspective upon remembering what is TRUE about God, about ourselves and the world around us. This week we’re going to sit in a bit of a holy tension together in Psalm 88, which is a passage that’s not easy to get comfy in!